- Why is getting financing critical to the initial and long-term success of your business?
- What documents will most lenders request before providing funding for your business?
- What tools and other resources can help you stay organized and efficient?
Please join us on October 20th at 11 am for a Zoom meeting to learn more about how to get your small businesses funded. Eddy Desir, Financial Education Specialist at Cambridge Savings Bank, will facilitate the Q&A Session. This will be the first workshop in a four-part series. Attendees will receive a certificate of completion from Cambridge Savings Bank and the U.S. Haitian Chamber of Commerce, Inc. for attending all four sessions, plus free mentorship.
REGISTRATION LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtceuoqz0uHdXCmvDnNYx4hQJPAEZO4QZA
About Eddy Desir,
AVP, Financial Education Specialist at Cambridge Savings Bank with 25 years of banking experience. I have successfully served as a Branch Manager for several banks within the community and, most recently, worked as an AVP/Business Development Officer. Over the years, I have facilitated workshops for small and mid-sized businesses and trained and coached many business owners to help them achieve their financial goals. My methodology is to assess each client's individual needs and help develop a plan that will allow them to make sound financial decisions based on their current situation.
On behalf of Cambridge Savings Bank, my goal is to provide positive solutions and services that supplement their financial needs and improve their business efficiency and economic
well-being. Such explanations and services can include, but are not limited to, a financial education training program consisting of 4 curriculums, with topics that provide great information and resources on Small Business Marketing, Cash Flow, Financing, Credit, and a Mentorship program. We aim to provide a positive service program and a solution that will work for each situation. My focus is to help those business owners improve their financial well-being and take control and understand the financial health of their businesses through workshops, financial literacy, and mentorship.